JNLR 2016Q2 Top 30 and Station Programmes

The tables below show the gains and losses both on the last book and compared to the previous year. If a direct comparison, via the time slot, cannot be made during the comparison – then that programme is not mentioned. So, for example in the year on year gains table, Breakfast Republic is excluded as the time slots are totally different year on year. They are included in the book on book tables as it’s a direct comparison.  Table: Year on Year Gains       16Q2 16Q1 15Q1   YoY   BoB News at One RTE 1 W/D 13.00-13.45 

JNLR 2016Q2 Cork Listenership

Cork shows a listenership reach of 82%, down slightly on both the previous book and year and now stands at 340,000 listeners per day. Book on book none of the stations made any gains except, bizarrely, 2FM who made a 6,000 increase on the last quarter. Both the main stations, Red and 96FM, are in decline of late, the latter by 8,000 and the former by 3,000 over the last quarter The gap between the two main rivals (Red and 96) narrowed from 12,000 to 7,000 over the quarter. Table: Cork Listenership   2016Q2   2016Q1   +/- +/- Ch

JNLR 2016Q2 Regionals and Local

The regional data is below and as it’s varied and plentiful, I’ll leave the interpretation to whomever wishes to make one. The local franchise areas and the multi city areas are covered with comparisons to the last year and book. The tables shouldn’t be considered as a comparative as the franchises compete in different areas with vastly different population structures and market dynamics.   Table: Multi-County Reach Franchise 2016Q2 2016Q1 +/- +/- % 2015Q2 +/- +/- % Beat 94 24% 98 25% -4 -4% 99 25% -5 -5% Spin South West 91 22% 91 22% 0 0% 88 21% 3

News Corp buys into Radio

What an interesting move – News Corp purchased the Wireless group, formally UTV radio. The main station in the wireless group is talkSport reaching 3.1m listeners in the UK every day. Within the Wireless stable are a group of Irish Radio stations: FM104 and Q102 in Dublin, Cork’s 96FM and C103, Limerick’s Live 95FM, LMFM in Louth/Meath, U105 in the Greater Belfast area. Collectively (in the RoI) the stations reach 713,000 listeners every day and UTV105 is listened to by 215,000 daily. For all the stations they have 370,000 Average monthly unique users and 1.7m pageviews per month In their

JNLR 2016Q1 National Listenership

It’s very much depends on what you analyse for the 2016Q1 results. Look at the numbers year on year you get one answer, look at them book on book you get another! In as many places as possible I’ll throw in both so you can draw your own conclusions. However in a few cases either analysis still yields the same woeful outcome. In terms of overall listenership radio reaches 83% of the population or 2,989,000 people every day. It’s down marginally on 2015Q1 and down a little less on the previous book. Still the dominant player is RTE1 reaching a

JNLR 2016Q1 Dublin Listenership

Radio listenership dropped in the capital to 818,000 down 1% on the year and the same book on book. The falls are less pronounced on a book on book basis with but looking at them over the year some of the falls are severe. Double digit decrease in the capital for Newstalk, Today FM, Q102 and 2FM and, of them, only Q102 managed to get something back in the last quarter. RTE1 are still the dominant force reaching 305,000 listeners. They are followed by FM104 on 189,000 a 3% increase on the year. Newstalk, are next on 154,000. Last year

JNLR 2016Q1 Regionals and Local

Here’s where we look at the local and regional franchises. Again, they are not comparatives as they simply can’t be compared to each other. I’ve made little or no comment as the data is self explanatory and my outpourings won’t add much. Each is compared to the last book and the last year.    Table: Regional Reach                     YoY BoB Area Franchise 2016Q1   2015Q1   2015 Q4   +/- Ch% +/- Ch% Regional SE Beat 98 25%   101 25%   97 25%   -3 0% 1 0% Regional SW

JNLR 2016Q1 Top Thirty

All the top tables and in the interest of tracking the license fee money the book on book numbers are compared so that 2FM can be scrutinised. The Gains and Falls tables likewise are divided into the year on year and book on book. The metric for the gains and falls are subjectively based on actual listeners and not the percentage gain. If it were percentages (we should really say) we’d be showering Ray D’Arcy with praise for a 19% increase in listeners year on year and also to Alison Curtis getting a 6% increase book on book. RTE1 stole

JNLR 2016Q1 Station Programmes

Each of the national stations are looked at below in terms of their individual programming. There’s a comparison to last quarter and last book in all cases.  

JNLR 2016Q1 Cork Listenership

The Cork figures show the listenership in the franchise is 83% down marginally on both the past quarter and twelve months. This book shows that Red FM, although at 126,000 which is an increase of 14% on the year is back 7,000 book on book. It ends a bit of a run for the station having been on the up every book until now since 2014Q1. Closest rival 96FM managed a small increase book on book of 1,000. C013 also had a decent book adding 6,000 or 9% over the quarter. Table: Cork Reach   Year on Year   Book

JNLR 2015Q4 National Listenership

Overall there was a minor drop in listenership nationally, well within statistical error and certainly not to trouble with this issue any further. National listenership remained at a healthy 83% or 3,001,000 people daily. Focussing on the stations, the clear winner on the national stage was RTE1 in this book, with a year on year increase of 64,000 listeners (8%) and a book on book gain of 32,000 or 4%. The veneer of 2FM’s number year on year, holding steady at 374,000, is very much tarnished when we see their more recent past. Their book on book figure has them

JNLR 2015Q4 Dublin Listenership

In Dublin listenership to overall radio listenership dipped marginally from 81% to 80%. Still the most listened to station in the capital is RTE1 commanding a 30% reach up 9% on the year or 27,000 listeners. You can see for the table at the bottom that they occupy the top five most listened to station in the capital and four of them have added numbers over the year.  Book on book they also did well managing a 3% increase in the quarter. Their nearest rival for the top slot is FM104 some 126,000 listeners away. FM104 managed to stay unchanged

JNLR 2015Q4 Regionals and Local

There’s too much data here – so I’m going to simply provide the numbers and you can extrapolate what you want from it. In the four regions there’s still a job to do to catch up with the “home locals” – which, in most cases are very dominant. On a positive note: three out of four regional stations beat RTE1 into second position. There’s also a table of all the ‘franchises’ – it’s interesting to see the totality of the radio market and how they all stand – comparisons are unwise as the different franchises have different populations etc.  

JNLR 2015Q4 Top Thirty

There were some good wins for RTE1 occupying the top five slots in the programmes that gained year on year and three of them in the weekend schedule. They also hold the top five book on book – but the emphasis there is on the weekday schedule. Today FM hold three of the five faller’s berths looking at them year on year.  The main Top 30 Table below is sortable – just click on the heading and it will sort ascending and then descending (on a second click).  Table: Year on Year Gains (‘000) Programme Time Station 15Q4 14Q4 Book

JNLR 2015Q4 Station Programmes

Here we have a look at the different stations and their weekday offerings. This time out the year on year and book on book are explored.   

JNLR 2015Q4 Cork Listenership

Cork was akin to a bare-knuckle scrap in the last few books  – now it looks like a mismatch and no rematch in the contract. RedFM pulled away, yet again, to 133,000 or 32% reach having added 34,000 listener’s in the year (+34%) and a more conservative 8,000 or 6% in the last quarter. Cork’s 96FM is the ultimate victim in this fight dropping 17,000 on the year (-13%) but managing to keep it steady in the last quarter. Consider, if you will, that in mid ’13 they were at an untouchable 174,000 listeners per day, 70,000 ahead of their

JNLR 2015Q3 National Listenership

The national picture shows that radio listenership is still in a healthy position with a reach of 83% of the population every day. While this is up 18,000 on the previous year (14Q3) it’s down marginally (3,000) on the previous book (15Q2). That small slippage also had the affect of moving the point reach from 84% in 15Q2 to 83% this time out. On a station by station basis most gained year on year and fell on a book on book analysis. RTE1 is still the dominant force reaching 24% of the population every day or 868,000 people which is

JNLR 2015Q3 Dublin Listenership

Dublin radio reach is slightly below the national figure at 81% and represents 829,000 adults per day. The trend in Dublin was not so healthy and back at the start of 2014 where the reach was only 78%. So there’s been somewhat of a mini resurgence in listenership over the last few books as it clawed back to 81%. The biggest player in the Dublin market is RTE1 with a reach of 302,000 or 30%. It’s trailed by FM104, having made some ground over the last few books and are now reaching 194,000 listeners every day. This is an increase

JNLR 2015Q3 Regionals and Local

There’s a lot in the regional and locals so I’m simply going to provide the ammunition: those who want can fire the bullets. All regional stations are performing well against the nationals but still have a way to go before they reach the “home local” grouping in their respective franchises. You can see from the table below where each of the national stations rank in the various franchises. It shows that, in the main, they would be second to the home locals, ahead of RTE1, in all areas, bar one.

JNLR 2015Q3 Top Thirty

The Top 30 is a bit of a mess in terms of comparatives and has been thrown off kilter. The whole 2FM schedule has changed, not only in terms of characters, but, and more importantly for the purposes here, the time slots have changed making it difficult to make genuine hard comparisons. Take for example ‘Breakfast Republic’ on 2FM. Last time out the time segment was 06.00-08.45 and raking in 119,000 listeners in the 15Q2 survey. It’s now on a 06.00-10.00 slot and pulls in 196,000 listeners, which makes the “show” have a gain in listeners of 96,000 or over