


Search Engine Ranking


Search Engine Ranking takes stock of where your site is currently. We analyse a site on a set of agreed keyword phrases and look at its performance and that of the competition. The reports are very detailed but straightforward and give you an instant picture of where you are in the rankings. The reports are […]


iLevel works closely with clients to understand their needs and develop strategies tailored to each individual business. iLevel can work with you on specific one off projects or can provide ongoing marketing and business support depending on your requirements. I am Google certified for both Adwords and Analytics. If you want to have a talk […]

Crawling and Indexing


This is the very basics of the search process. Google and other search engines use a ‘spider’ to venture forth and collect information on pages. Once a page is found all the links on that page are analysed to find further pages on your site. After some time this leaves a search engine a list […]